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【“献礼二十大”· 乡村振兴这五年】百姓富 生态美:乡村生态振兴“组合拳”



What is the color of China's countryside? Is it the simple red brick wall in many people's impressions, or the rugged yellow earth? Since 1978 when the reform and opening-up campaign started, it's fair to say that China's rural landscape has gone through a thorough transformation. A livable environment with lucid waters and lush mountains is the natural undertone of the rural landscape, which is seeing more possibilities thanks to the rural ecological revitalization driven by the fast development of rural revitalization. Different ecological protection measures are taken in each region, contributing to a toolkit of policies enriching the local people in ecologically-friendly manners.


Systematical solutions turn barren land into ecological agricultural hub


Meitan County in southwest China's Zunyi City, Guizhou Province is one of the country's worst areas affected by water loss and soil erosion. It once suffered severe water shortage and inconvenient transportation, where local farmers had no ways to make a living other than planting crops and raising livestock. By taking unified planning of mountains, water, forests, fields and roads in small drainage areas, the local government administered scientific allocation of engineering, plants and agricultural technology measures to systematically address water loss and soil erosion. Today, Meitan County has become an agricultural and tourism ecological demonstration area, with tea planting as the mainstay and local specialty industries as supporting pillars. The local environment is getting better and the local people are getting richer.


Mixed cultivation nurtures revolution seeds of green recycling economy


Yeping Township in Ruijin City in southeast China's Jiangxi Province is known as the cradle of Chinese revolution. The township has built on the older generation's trail-blazing tradition and embarked on an ecologically-friendly development path. It's now home to some 700 hectares of vegetable, naval orange and white lotus as well as over 100,000 pigs and one million chickens. Local farmers are encouraged to develop recycling economy and ecologically-friendly mixed cultivation by combining agriculture and pig-raising.


Good personal housekeeping manners create a livable environment for all


Zijin County in south China's Guangdong Province tapped potential strength from families and established the “1+10+100” working mode, that is, one village cadre contacted 10 families to ensure that their houses are 100 percent neat in terms of clean rooms, orderly- stacked goods, unblocked ditch system and well-managed pens. Keeping one's house clean has transformed from a family responsibility to social responsibility, contributing to the building of a pleasant living environment for everyone.


As an important pillar for rural revitalization, ecological revitalization cannot be achieved overnight and requires continuous efforts from the decision of general directions to the nailing down of small details. Every day in China, different efforts of rural revitalization are being made, which combined will finish the grand vision of rural revitalization.





