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“献礼二十大”· 乡村振兴这五年



In rural China, plowing takes place in spring and harvests are celebrated in autumn. The pattern goes on year after year. China’s rural areas have completed poverty alleviation and are moving toward the development of a new countryside. The income sources of rural people are diversifying from farming. Developing industries has become an important focus of rural revitalization.



Revitalization by developing industries lies in farming modernization


The air of sunny island province of Hainan is filled with the fragrance of pineapple, mango and coffee... Nowadays, local farmers are not only seeking better planting, but also exploring ways to sell products by facilitating agriculture via technologies. Through online marketing, the large field of pineapple has been ordered before the harvest. The modernization and upgrading of farming industry’s production and marketing has enriched and assured local people.



Revitalization by developing industries centers on nurturing local brands


In Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in central China’s Hunan Province, female embroiderers have turned the traditional craft into “fingertip economy”. After several improvements, Miao embroidery embarked on industrial development, attracting more and more craftswomen for participation. A number of ethnic craft cooperatives and Miao embroidery bases have been set up, which raised the per capita annual income of female embroiderers by 21,600 yuan. As a traditional Chinese ethnic culture, Miao embroidery has realized the transformation from handicrafts to artworks to best-selling commodities, and also turned Chinese rural women into industrial workers, creating new opportunities for rural development.


Revitalization by developing industries calls for upgrading rural tourism


Zhaozhuangzi Village in north China’s port city Tianjin was once a well-known poor village, with most villagers living by fishing and raising fish. After realizing the “gold mine” in the village, local villagers changed their thinking and leveraged the unique natural resources to develop eco-tourism industry. Idle fish ponds were connected to make a water expanse of more than 3,000 mu, creating a tourist scenic spot called Twilight Water Town. Modern enterprise management is carried out in the scenic spot, and farmers and fishermen have become rural tourism practitioners and started to operate farmhouse restaurants and offer other related services. The annual income of leisure agriculture and rural tourism in Zhaozhuangzi Village exceeds 30 million yuan, offering over 300 new jobs. Eco-tourism has enabled villagers to move from adobe houses to apartments and embark on the fast lane of rural revitalization.



What is the goal of rural revitalization? It is to make the ordinary people rich. How can the ordinary people stay rich? It is essential to develop rural industries. Rural areas in China may have different paths of development based on regional conditions, but the goal and direction of rural revitalization are the same, that is, to enrich the people.


Talented people are key to China's rural revitalization. The first policy statement released by the country's central authorities in 2022 calls for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization by strengthening thecultivation of talents, implementing programs to nurture well-trained farmers and industrial pioneers, and rolling out campaigns to encourage young people and women to make contributions and inject vitality into the great cause.



Related policies have lured many people back to their hometowns. In Shangshi Village, Yichun City, east China's Jiangxi Province, Yi Jinyu, a 33-year-old special-term village official, used drones to inspect straw burning. The young man has improved the level of modern governance at the grassroots level and brought new blood to the ranks of village officials. Yi's presence is made possible by a special talent plan launched in 2020 to encourage college students to return to their villages of origin to work. In Xingyi City, Qianxinan Buyi-Miao Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Guizhou Province, Qishe Town has explored and expanded the channels for selecting candidates to gather outstanding professionals in various fields, which has attracted Qian Li, who wants to help the local people for better life. In 2021, Qian decided to return to her hometown at the age of 35. After being elected as a village cadre, she earnestly solicited villagers'opinions and heeded their concerns, devoting herself to grassroots work.


In addition to attracting outstanding talents to return home, it is also an important way to cultivate talents locally. Heqing County in southwest China's Yunnan Province is a waterfront town known for its silverware, and the vigorous development of Heqing silverware industry cannot be separated from the support of skilled talents. In recent years, Heqing has set up a platform for talent development, formulated plans to encourage local skilled craftsmen to innovate and start businesses, and guided high-level talents to pass on their expertise. Jiangsu Province, which has a relatively developed economy, has issued a series of policies to cultivate scientific and technological innovation talents and promotion professionals in agriculture and rural affairs. Efforts have also been made to promote application of scientific and technological advances in the agricultural field. Jiangsu plans to build 25 provincial-level modern agricultural industrial technology mechanisms and 150 innovative teams by 2025.


Rural talents should be revitalized, cultivated and attracted, and retained. ChinesePresident Xi Jinping has called for efforts to let those who are willing to stay in the countryside and build their hometown stay at ease, and let those who are willing to go to the countryside and give back to the countryside have more confidence. Chen Jimin, member of Tianjin municipal political advisory body, suggested that preferential and supporting policies for talents should be made to address talents'concerns such as settlement, residence, children's school enrollment and social security. Skilled urban residents, scientific and technical personnel, college graduates, demobilized military personnel and other talents should enjoy support for dedicating themselves to rural development, and be encouraged to leverage science and technology to develop ecological recycling agriculture and new formats of integration of agriculture, industry and service. Such measures are being implemented in many places across China.


Rural revitalization cannot be separated from talents with wide knowledge and new ideas. Without the support of talents, rural revitalization can only be empty talk. The key to the revitalization of rural talents is to make more talents willing to come, stay, excel and shine.


"So many folk songs are there in Wushan, I can sing so many songs that could fill the length of a ship." The song that echoes through the mountains expresses the wonderful life expectations of the people of Xiazhuang Village in Zhuxian Township, Wushan County, Chongqing.

巫山县的名字里有一个“山”字,确实巫山以山闻名。七年来,在村党支部书记毛相林的带领下,村民们在绝壁上凿出了一条长达8公里的“致富路”,实现小康生活。今天的中国,已进入全面建成小康社会后的新发展阶段,想要实现“到2035年,全体人民共同富裕取得更为明显的实质性进展” 的目标,坚持物质富裕和精神富裕相统一是必然要求。

Wushan County has the word "mountain" in its name, and indeed Wushan is famous for its mountains. Over the past seven years, under the leadership of Mao Xianglin, secretary of the village party branch, the villagers have carved out an 8-kilometre-long "Road to Prosperity" on the precipice to achieve a well-off life. Today, China has entered a new stage of development after the completion of a moderately prosperous society. If we want to achieve the goal of "achieving more obvious and substantial progress in the common prosperity of all the people by 2035", it is inevitable to insist on the unity of material and spiritual prosperity.


The village of Xiazhuang, where life has improved, now also hosts a lively "village gala", combining folklore performances with live-streaming, which both spreads rural culture and art and shows the new face and life of the village.


A pair of hard-working hands is essential to getting out of poverty and getting rich. In the grasslands of the Keyouzhong Banner of the Xing'an League in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, herdswomen are revitalizing their ethnic crafts with the help of the non-heritage skills.


"This is my home, and I hope that my hometown will become better and better every day, that this traditional culture will be better understood by more people, and my countryman will become more confident because of this long-standing culture." Bai Jingying, a national model in the fight against poverty, has led Mongolian women to work at home and become rich with their hands, and has actively practised spreading the culture of the grasslands through her non-heritage skills, thus demonstrating the "cultural confidence" of the people.


"The Culture in Red" contains a spirit and connotations, which arose from the stirring revolution and a long and heavy history. Jinzhai County in Anhui Province, located in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains, is the cradle of the Red Army, the hometown of the generals, with a profound accumulation of red culture resources, and is also the prime production area of China's famous green tea "Lu An Guapian". Over the past few years, Dawan Villageof Jinzhai County has explored a way to development - combine red cultural resources with green tea resources. " Growing tea on the mountain, welcoming guests at home", the villagers soon became prosperous.



The vitalization of rural culture is an important part of the vitalization of distinctive socialist culture and an important element in the implementation of the rural vitalization strategy. These three vivid rural stories illustrate that rural cultural vitalization can be achieved by combining unique local resources with the wisdom of the people at large. Through rural cultural vitalization, farmers pursue a happy life and enrich their cultural life, thus further enhancing their cultural confidence.


What is the color of China's countryside? Is it the simple red brick wall in many people's impressions, or the rugged yellow earth? Since 1978 when the reform and opening-up campaign started, it's fair to say that China's rural landscape has gone through a thorough transformation. A livable environment with lucid waters and lush mountains is the natural undertone of the rural landscape, which is seeing more possibilities thanks to the rural ecological revitalization driven by the fast development of rural revitalization. Different ecological protection measures are taken in each region, contributing to a toolkit of policies enriching the local people in ecologically-friendly manners.


Systematical solutions turn barren land into ecological agricultural hub


Meitan County in southwest China's Zunyi City, Guizhou Province is one of the country's worst areas affected by water loss and soil erosion. It once suffered severe water shortage and inconvenient transportation, where local farmers had no ways to make a living other than planting crops and raising livestock. By taking unified planning of mountains, water, forests, fields and roads in small drainage areas, the local government administered scientific allocation of engineering, plants and agricultural technology measures to systematically address water loss and soil erosion. Today, Meitan County has become an agricultural and tourism ecological demonstration area, with tea planting as the mainstay and local specialty industries as supporting pillars. The local environment is getting better and the local people are getting richer.


Mixed cultivation nurtures revolution seeds of green recycling economy


Yeping Township in Ruijin City in southeast China's Jiangxi Province is known as the cradle of Chinese revolution. The township has built on the older generation's trail-blazing tradition and embarked on an ecologically-friendly development path. It's now home to some 700 hectares of vegetable, naval orange and white lotus as well as over 100,000 pigs and one million chickens. Local farmers are encouraged to develop recycling economy and ecologically-friendly mixed cultivation by combining agriculture and pig-raising.


Good personal housekeeping manners create a livable environment for all


Zijin County in south China's Guangdong Province tapped potential strength from families and established the “1+10+100” working mode, that is, one village cadre contacted 10 families to ensure that their houses are 100 percent neat in terms of clean rooms, orderly- stacked goods, unblocked ditch system and well-managed pens. Keeping one's house clean has transformed from a family responsibility to social responsibility, contributing to the building of a pleasant living environment for everyone.


As an important pillar for rural revitalization, ecological revitalization cannot be achieved overnight and requires continuous efforts from the decision of general directions to the nailing down of small details. Every day in China, different efforts of rural revitalization are being made, which combined will finish the grand vision of rural revitalization.



Rural revitalization in China includes comprehensive revitalization in five aspects: industries, talents, culture, ecology and organizations. These five aspects of revitalization are interrelated and complement each other, among which organizational revitalization is the guarantee, the top project of rural revitalization, and a major task for the Communist Party of China to manage agriculture and rural affairs in the new era.


Rural grassroots CPC organizations are the basis of all the work of the Party in the countryside, and the bridge and bond of the Party to contact the masses of farmers. In Hongdu Village, Zunyi City, southwest China's Guizhou Province, the villagers had differences and contradictions over the development of the village. The members of the Party branch had many heart-to-heart talks with the villagers. Finally, under the leadership of the grass-roots CPC organization, the villagers of Hongdu actively participated in the construction of the village, developed red tourism, sold agricultural special products, and found a development road of rural revitalization.


Rural specialized cooperative is an effective economic organization to promote agricultural modernization and achieve bigger development scale and benefits. In September 2021, Sanjia Village, Tengchong City, southwestChina's Yunnan Province, established a specialized farmer cooperative to organize the masses to develop vegetable and fruit planting. Related technology, information and sales are managed in a unified manner, while the sales chain of agricultural and sidelines products is expanded with direct supply at supermarkets. Cooperatives have improved the management level of organization and increased people's family income.


As dynamic and creative unofficial organizations, social organizations play an important role in the construction of rural governance system in the new era. Xujin Village, Chongming District, east China's Shanghai has introduced public welfare social organizations to promote the development of villagers, and set up hand-woven projects to help unemployed women without income increase their employment skills. Encouraging and guiding the extensive participation of industry associations, foundations, voluntary organizations and other social organizations will not only provide professional support for the development of rural undertakings, but also provide important financial, material and technological support.


Among the villagers'self-governing organizations, the villagers committee, as a grass-roots organization for villagers'self-management, self-education and self-service, is an indispensable and important force for the revitalization of rural organizations. In 1980, the villagers of Hezhai Village, Chihe City, south China's Guangxi Province, established the first villagers committee in the PRC by secret ballot. Now, the villagers of Hezhai Village have voted for developing new industries such as sericulture and aquaculture. The village committee has built bases, taken care of their development and paid dividends to the villagers via contract. Village collective funds are used for road hardening and industrial redevelopment after open discussion and public disclosure.


Rural grassroots CPC organizations, rural specialized cooperatives, social organizations, and villagers self-governing organizations are developing in a coordinated manner on the socialist path of rural revitalization with Chinese characteristics. Facilitating organizations work as engines to accelerate rural revitalization. The path of rural revitalization is getting wider and the speed of development is getting faster. In the end, the fruits of development will bring more benefits to farmers in a more equitable way.




